
You can customize your online store navigation menus from here. There are usually three types of menus, Primary Menu, Category Menu, and Footer Menu.

After creating menus, navigate to Appearance > Storefront > Menus then choose Primary Menu, Category Menu, and Footer Menu.

Create Menu

Navigate to Menus > Create Menu to create a new menu.

create menu

  • Name (translatable): The name of the menu item.
  • Status: Enable the menu.

Create Menu Items

After saving the menu you'll see a Create Menu Item button, press the button to create a menu item for the menu.


create menu item general tab

  • Name (translatable): The name of the menu item.
  • Type: A menu item can either be Category, Page, or URL type.
  • Category: If you've selected menu item type to Category type, then you'll see a Category field.
  • Page: If you've selected menu item type to Page type, then you'll see a Page field.
  • URL: If you've selected menu item type to URL type, then you'll see a URL field.
  • Fluid Menu: By default, menu items will be a drop-down menu. If you want to make a full-width menu check this box. You only need to check this box for the parent menu item.
  • Target: Specify how the menu item will be opened.
  • Parent Menu Item: Create a nested menu by specifying a parent menu item.
  • Status: Enable the menu item.