

All products are listed under the Catalog sub-menu.

catalog page

In order to edit a product click the product row in the table.

Create Product

Navigate to Products > Catalog > Create Product to create a new product.


Fields with the red asterisks are required.

If your store has more than one locale then translatable fields can be translated into other languages. You'll learn how to add more locale and translate a translatable field later in this guide.

If you want to create a simple product then just fill the required fields under the Basic Information group. In order to create a configurable product, you can fill the fields under Advanced Information group.


product create page general tab

  • Name (translatable): The name of the product.
  • Description (translatable): The description of the product.
  • Categories: You can organize products by adding categories to it. You'll learn how to create categories later in this guide.
  • Status: Enable the product by checking this checkbox. Customers will only see the enabled products.


product create page price tab

  • Price: The base price of the product.
  • Special Price: The discounted price of the product.
  • Special Price Start: The start date of the special price.
  • Special Price End: The end date of the special price.


product create page inventory tab

  • SKU (stock keeping unit): The SKU of the product.
  • Inventory Management: Select the Track Inventory option, if you want to manage your product's inventory.
  • Qty: If you've selected the Track Inventory option then you'll see a new Qty field under the Inventory Management field. You can add the total available amount of the product here.
  • Stock Availability: Customers will only able to purchase In Stock products.


product create page images tab

  • Base Image: This is the thumbnail image of the product.
  • Additional Images: You can add multiple additional images here.


product create page seo tab

  • Meta Title (translatable)
  • Meta Keywords (translatable)
  • Meta Description (translatable)


In order to add attributes you must first create an attribute from the Attributes menu. Attributes can be used for filtering products and showing additional information about the product in a tabular form.

product create page attributes tab

In product search page customers will see filtered navigation for filtering products by attribute.

filtered navigation


Options are an easy way to offer variations of a product. You can also add global option to the product.

product create page options tab

Customers will see a list of options while adding the product to their cart.

product options

Related products are meant to be purchased in addition to the item the customer is viewing. Related products are shown on the product page.

related products


Up-sell products are items that your customer might prefer instead of the product currently viewing. Up-Sells products are shown under the related products.


Up-Sells products are typically higher quality and more popular products.

up sells product


Encourage customers to buy a complementary product. A list of cross-sells product will be shown in the cart page based on the added products in the cart.

cross sells product


product create page additionals tab

  • Short Description (translatable): The short description of the product.
  • Product New From: The start date for the New badge in the product card.
  • Product New To: The end date for the New badge in the product card.


You can create, edit and see a tree of categories from the Categories sub-menu.

categories page

Create Category


category create page general tab

  • Name (translatable): The name of the category.
  • Status: Enable the category by checking this checkbox. Only enabled categories can be used.

Create Subcategory

In order to create a subcategory select a category, then click on the Add Subcategory button. After saving the subcategory you'll see a nested category under the root category.

nested category

You can create as many subcategory as you want.


You can drag & drop the category to change the parent of the subcategory.


Attributes can be used for filtering products. Customers will see attributes as a table on the product page (Additional Information Tab).

additional information table

Create Attribute

Navigate to Products > Attributes > Create Attribute to create a new attribute.


attribute create page general tab

  • Attribute Set: Attributes are grouped by the attribute sets. You can create attribute set from the Attribute Set sub-menu.
  • Name (translatable): The name of the attribute.
  • Filterable: Check this box, if you want to use this attribute for filtering products.


attribute create page values tab

  • Value: Add Attribute values.

Attribute Sets

Organize your attributes by grouping them under the attribute sets.

Create Attribute Set

Navigate to Products > Attribute Sets > Create Attribute Set to create a new attribute set.


attribute set create page general tab

  • Name (translatable): The name of the attribute set.


Options lets you customize the variation of the product. Customers will see available options on the product page. Customers must select the required option before adding the product to the shopping cart.

There are two types of options, Global and Local. When you create an option from the Options page it will be a global option and can be added to any product. Local options are product specific, when you create an option from the Options tab of a product it will then become a local option and will only accessible from that product.

Create Option

Navigate to Products > Options > Create Option to create a new option.


option create page general tab

  • Name (translatable)
  • Type: The type of the option.
  • Required: Check this box if this option is a required option.


option create page values tab

  • Label (translatable)
  • Price: The price for this variant.
  • Price Type: Price type can either be set to Fixed or Percent. If you set the price type to Percent, then a calculated price based on the product price will be shown on the product page.


Customers can review a product and give a rating to it from the product page. By default, when you install FleetCart all reviews will be approved automatically. But you can change this behavior from the settings.

You can also see product specific reviews from the product edit page under the Reviews tab in Advanced Information group.


You can edit any customer's submitted review.

reviews tab